Thanks to Warp2SEarch... A great new mIRC version has been released. Version 6.0, (February 3rd 2002)
We really hope you"ll like it! You"ll notice lots of little and larger changes to smoothen your IRC experience.
- Lots of 16bit-specific code has been removed from mIRC"s routines. 16 bit related memory issues, kludges and bugs are solved.
- The new multi-server feature required major internal changes to mIRC"s code and forced improvement of code in many areas which has undoubtfully resulted in an even more stable mIRC!
- Working on this important new feature we focussed on keeping mIRC as it always has been; no-nonsense, robust, -working- :-)
- We tried to keep the changes to the scripting language etc, as clean as possible.
- All dialogs in mIRC should now use standard dialog fonts for the version of Windows you are using. When running XP, mIRC now uses your XP theme for dialogs, buttons, etc....
- Upgrading should be fairly painless.