More ads will be appearing in Apple's App Store starting from next week

The App Store logo

Apple has confirmed in a recent email to developers, that it will be increasing the advertising presence on the App Store. This was hinted at in recent months following recent announcements from Apple around wanting to increase revenue from its ads business.

The primary areas that this will be visible to users is within the Today page, where Apple features certain apps based on current events or a particular theme or topic such as productivity, or customisation. This will now include adverts paid for by developers or other companies for their apps and will show between these posts.

Advert on iOS App Store

Additionally, Apple will be adding in adverts at the bottom of app pages, in a "You May Also Like" section that will sit below the app listing. This will effectively allow for competitors to advertise on their rival"s pages, or increase the cost to a developer to buy out this space to shield against this.

Apple just sent all developers an email that "Today tab and product page campaigns start October 25." It"s another means of increasing the effective app tax rate, forcing developers to buy ads on their own app pages in order to avoid that others steer customers away from there.

— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) October 21, 2022

This follows on from recent moves by Apple to increase their advertising income, with hints that it will be advertising within the Maps app coming through in August this year, as well as the moves today to increase ad placement throughout the app store.

Source: MacRumors

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