Mozilla wants Windows ballot screen changed

Last week Neowin reported that Microsoft had made changes to the Windows browser ballot screen, which will make selecting a browser for consumers much easier. Mozilla was not happy with their placement on the browser ballot screen, and has purposed Microsoft change the screen once again, placing them first selection.

All companies need to submit final proposal before November 9 before any more changes can be made. Mozilla proposed a change today that would change the current ordering of the browsers, currently in alphabetical order of manufacture, to order of market share, with the exception of IE.

The reordering of the browsers would place Firefox in the first slot, followed by Chrome, Opera and Safari. Mozilla is fighting to remove Safari from the first spot, claiming they do very little to improve their browser on Windows based PCs. Having Apple"s Safari in the first slot would make users choose Internet Explorer, because users are familiar with it or Safari because it"s in the first slot.

Another method to sorting the browser screen, would be to simply randomize the top five browsers each time a user loads the page, so each user would get a different order.

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