NeoBytes :) Jimmy Fallon offers us more of Bill Gates' regrets

A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates admitted to an audience at Harvard that it was a "mistake" to require people push the Ctrl+Alt+Del buttons in order to log into older versions of Windows. As it turns out, that"s not the only regret Bill Gates has had, at least according to Jimmy Fallon.

The host of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon used part of his monologue Friday night to give the TV and studio audience some more regrets that he thinks Bill Gates has had over the years. As posted on YouTube (go to the 2:10 mark to cut to the Bill Gates portion), the segment starts with a "quote" from Gates in which he says, "I wish I didn"t wear that red golf shirt into Staples yesterday "cause I ended up spending three hours helping people find toner."

Yes, that"s just one of the zingers that Gates is alleged to have said for his regrets. The segment is made to look like it is the first of a regular series that will offer more of Gates" statements of mistakes. We doubt it will continue past this first segment but in real life Gates has admitted that when he was working at Microsoft the company made mistakes in the smartphone business, and that the implementation of Microsoft Bob didn"t work well either.

Source: Late Night on YouTube

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