NeoBytes :) Pornhub sees 10% traffic drop after gamers get Fallout 4

NeoBytes :) is an occasional feature that takes a step back from the big headlines, to take a look at what else is happening in the vast, scary expanse of the tech world - often with a cynical eye, always with a dose of humour.

The long awaited update to the critically-acclaimed post-apocalyptic video game franchise Fallout 4 was released earlier this week and as expected, the title has seen massive sales figures worldwide. Franchise publisher Bethesda Studios has been far from shy to share the game’s success and announced that 12 million copies had been shipped to retailers on launch day.

So what have gamers sacrificed for Fallout 4? Aside from thousands of hours at work, and time with families, it appears that gamers put aside pornography for the day.

While shipping figures may be a good way to measure success, tracking the traffic of popular adult websites has now proven to do the trick. According to "Pornhub" vice president Corey Prince, the site traffic from gaming fans dropped by 10% when the title released.

The eye catching statistics speak for themselves, with site traffic plummeting after 4am and by the early morning, overall views had taken a significant hit. This trend continued throughout the day and into the evening. Site traffic re-escalated into the wee hours of the morning.

Prince followed up by stating he was a fan of the franchise, and understands the skewed statistics:

“We can’t say we’re too surprised with what happened to our traffic during peak gaming hours”

“As huge fans of the game, we can’t say we blame anyone for swapping Pornhub time for some Pip-Boy surfing instead. We would have done the same.”

Fallout 4 released on November 10th, and as seen from the data, was a massive hit with gamers. The game is now available on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

Source: Venture Beat

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