NeoBytes :) This is how you would sound if email interactions were acted out in real life

NeoBytes :) is an occasional feature that takes a step back from the big headlines to look at what else is happening in the vast, scary expanse of the tech world - often with a cynical eye, always with a dose of humor.

We"ve all been on the receiving end of an odd or audacious email. Sometimes it"s just an honest mistake like cc"ing your whole office when it was really meant for one person or being on the receiving end of an email that promises wealth beyond your imagination for a "little help." Luckily, the comedy duo of Tripp and Tyler have addressed the above and more in their latest video, "Email in Real Life."

"Email in Real Life" takes most email faux pas and reenacts them to elicit some eerily familiar yet funny scenarios. The video addresses the dreaded "all caps" response, overuse of of emoticons, annoying forwarded emails from family / friends, and the occasional pornographic spam mail.

While this might not occur to everyone, it certainly does question why we aren"t more conscious of these types of blunders when sending email, and why some don"t follow proper email etiquette.

Source: Tripp and Tyler

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