Howdy folks! The weekend is here, but things are still going strong over at NeoGamr, and we don"t want you to miss any of it.
Here are a few of the stories from today that you might want to check out!
We"ve got yet another sweet Giveaway:
NeoGamr Giveaway: 15 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta keys
You"ll also want to catch up on today"s news, if you already haven"t:
Portal 2 puzzle editor gets demo video
Pre-order Max Payne 3 if you want to stand a chance
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm playable at June MLG event
The Week In Review (Digest)
Here"s a selection of the week"s best stories, for the time conscious reader:
Tribes: Ascend gets first post-launch update
Editorial: A developer"s diary on recreating Pokemon: Crystal for the GBA
PS Vita: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Interview: Human Head Studios talks about Rune revival
"Zwei" announced from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami
Miyamoto: Nintendo to introduce new characters "soon"
Nintendo records its first ever annual loss
Featured Story
And last but certainly not least, if you"ve only got time to read one gaming story today, we"d suggest this one:
Republique now confirmed for PC and Mac
And don"t forget to check out our LIVE weekly podcast this Tuesday night at 7 PM EST. If you miss it, or you just want to catch up on what you"ve been missing, the most recent episode (and beyond) is available for your listening pleasure.
Don"t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, and be sure to head over to our forums if you haven"t already!
Finally, thanks for supporting, and we really hope you enjoy what we"ve got to offer. It"s only going to get better, and we hope you"re having as much fun as we are.