If only it were as simple as in the days of the Roman Empire where the top dog could allow a man to live or die (or in this case a marketing idea) I guess the consumers words will have to decide in the long run what happens to Lindows.com and its yet-to-be-released Lindows Operating System.
I wasn"t blinded by the fact that the code that will go on sale for an estimated $99 is actually Open Source and free to download in one of many, many distributions that are already quite far ahead at a Windows Application Environment, or to the fact that Click "n Run despite offering many free applications is the driving force behind Lindows ability to exist. The applications that will be sold to its customers and can be run from Lindows are an important factor and the sole reason that Click "n Run will be the only such choice within this OS effectively making its version of Windows Update a paid area that will alienate users rather than encourage them to go online for updates. Who wants to go online to be constantly be asked to buy something from the host Operating System? I know I wouldn"t..
Anyway the real reason for this post is because of the outrageous idea that they have come up with this time. The PR on Lindows / Windows name (which is still quite wrong IMHO) wasn"t enough, so now they are ripping off Mac users and enthusiasts all over the world by copying the same basic site design from www.apple.com.
I ask you, why do we need Lindows if the only thing they can do is take our money, steal other successful companies ideas blatantly not even just a little bit, this is kick in the balls time for Microsoft and Apple and we the consumers will lose because people like Michael Robertson destroy our faith in innovative companies who really do bring something to the market. Lindows is leech, sorry.. I said it.. but this is proof.