Due to an unseen error in our custom content management system, submissions to the newsdesk by members were being dropped rather than added to our panel. This unfortunate error has now been fixed, so if you have submitted news since the 14th of February and wondered why it hadn"t shown up, now you know why!
Since the beginning of February, our coders have made over 100 changes to our NewsCP due to the addition of version control linking our test (beta) website with our live code. Bugs are fixed a lot quicker now, and you may of noticed significant improvements such as the panel in our comments pages, which has been drastically updated, with the addition of "Related News" as well as many "behind the scene" bug fixes.
Our CMS, which is unique to Neowin, has been continually improved since 2002 and re-written from the ground up -twice, which eventually moved us away from the core "Virtuanews" system base that we developed along with James Tingle for a year, up until August 2002 when he opted to take the project further on his own. Currently our coder team consists of up to 5 active contributers bug fixing, and making improvements to our system.