NeowinCAST Gaming - Episode #1 is proud to unveil our brand new PowerUser.TV podcast channel- Neocast! Our first episode being released today, was actually recorded a few days ago as a "test" recording. Each Neocast will be under a section heading, todays episode being a Gaming episode. We should (hopefully) have a Neocast: Sports and a Neocast: Linux coming up soon!
Gaming episodes will be every week though, and will be hosted by Paul (lardiop) and Todd (LOC). We hope down the road to have Neowin members take part much like they do with the Poweruser.TV podcasts. Since this is our first release, please feel free to offer suggestions, and critique us as you like.

Our first episode covers the following news topics:
- The rumored Playstation 3 launch price
- 600,000 X-Box 360"s sold
- System Shock 3 rumors and Bio-Shock
- Flight Simulator X

And a longer discussion on these topics:
- Battlefield 2 1.2 Patch discussion, and the Battlefield 2 "Booster Packs"
- Guild Wars: Chapter 2, and the upcoming free PvP weekend event
- "Blast from the Past" section where we discuss old games that mean alot to us
- Small discussion on Project Offset and the new "Crowd" movie released recently

Again, this is our first episode, so some things may be rough around the edges. Feel free to suggest improvements and additions you feel would make the podcast better. Also note, Neocast episodes are seperate and have nothing to do with the Poweruser.TV episodes.

Download: Neocast-Gamers #1

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