Make Personal connections a new opportunity for the software industry, Microsoft .NET My Services (formerly code-named "HailStorm") is a family of XML Web services that builds upon the proven Microsoft .NET Passport and Microsoft .NET Alerts services. This new application paradigm helps businesses deepen customer relationships and improve operational efficiency.
Is the opener for the "not so widely known" My .NET Services page at Microsoft. Thanks to Vla for this link that can help you better understand what the hailstorm is all about when people keep talking .NET is the future!
If you use MSN/Windows Messenger you have already been introduced to the world of .NET services that Bill Gates hopes to dominate the industry with, these services combine daily tasks with one Microsoft .NET "Passport" (formerly Microsoft Passport) mail account that keep you informed worldwide of your events, stocks, calendar and of course your email and contacts. If you are interested in the technology, take a look at the links below.