Adobe announces shipment of new full-version upgrades of its market-leading creative applications. Photoshop CS, the feature-packed successor to the highly popular Photoshop 7, is available along with Illustrator CS, InDesign CS and GoLive CS - all already hailed as significant enhancements on previous versions. Instead of traditional version numbers, Adobe is now using "CS" to identify these new versions, in order to better reflect the deep level of integration between its creative tools.
Adobe GoLive CS is a full-version upgrade of the powerful, integrated Web publishing tool for creative professionals involved in Web design. Available as a stand-alone software application, or as a key component of the Adobe Creative Suite (also now shipping) GoLive CS speeds web site design and production. GoLive CS includes innovative capabilities such as Package for GoLive from Adobe InDesign®, GoLive Co-Author™, advanced Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) visual authoring and extensive support for Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Adobe Illustrator CS is a full-version upgrade to the industry standard for vector graphics for print, the Web, and other media. Available as a stand-alone software application or as a key component of the Adobe Creative Suite (also now shipping) Adobe Illustrator CS includes powerful new design tools, enhanced Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) support, new print capabilities and wholesale performance improvements that speed up everyday tasks and take advantage of advances in hardware and operating systems.