Beware of the a new email-borne mass-mailing virus: On 4th June 2003, MessageLabs the email security company intercepted copies of a new mass-mailing virus called W32/Bugbear.B-mm, and intercepted the first copy originating from the United States.
Name: W32/Bugbear.B-mm
Aliases: W32/Kijmo-mm, W32/Shamur-mm
Number of copies intercepted so far: 300+
Time & Date first Captured: 4th June 2003 11:59GMT
Origin of first intercepted copy: United States
Full details of W32/Bugbear.B-mm can be found at most anti-virus vendor websites, here is just the payload of this rapidly spreading virus:
Virus Payload
Initial analysis indicates that this virus may also be able to disarm local security software, such as anti-virus or firewall software. It may also be able to spread via network shares, as was the case with the earlier Bugbear.A strain. Furthermore, it may also install a key-logging trojan component that will enable an unscrupulous hacker to take control of the infected machine and download a file containing the user"s keystrokes, including information entered on websites such as passwords or credit-card details for example.