Nokia uses 50 Lumias to show New York in a unique way

For its latest promotional video Nokia used fifty Lumia 1020s, a custom-designed rig and specially created software to bring folks a unique perspective of New York’s streets. This follows Nokia’s history of doing innovative projects for its promotions.

The video above was created by building a custom mobile circular rig able to hold 50 smartphones. These were then connected and controlled via a specially built Surface app, and the rig was towed around town to get some pictures of New York folks.

All the 50 smartphones fired at the same time and the over 30,000 images were then used to create the promotional video above. It’s a really interesting project, as so many of Nokia’s are, and judging by the view count it seems to have struck a chord with consumers.

You can check out the behind the scenes video below.

Source: Nokia 

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