NTL: One trial ends, another begins...

Dear Triallist,

Thank you for taking part in our Newsgroups Trial. Your feedback helped us to identify a number of issues with the service but the overwhelming output of the trial has been that accessibility and availability have drastically improved. On the binaries front, your feedback has been thorough and has helped us identify issues which we are addressing urgently. The trial has ended but for the moment, we are happy to allow the news server service to continue and we are installing some additional hardware very early in March which should resolve outstanding binary completion issues. Meanwhile, we hope you will start to notice the improvements in our news service as it continues to evolve.

We do hope that you have enjoyed taking part in the trial and that you"ll consider taking part in other trials which we have planned for the near future. If you are interested in participating in future trials and have Broadband Service, we are currently looking for trialists to trial a Broadband Diagnostic Tool which will be used by both customers and Technical Support Analysts alike. Please click here to register.

View: ntl Internet Trials Recruitment Form

News source: NTLWorld

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