Nvidia still racing to supply NV30 parts

As ever, even if you have the design and "neato features", they all mean squat if you can"t get the supplies :)

"Sources in the Euro channel tell us that Nvidia is still scrabbling around to ship product to customers eager to start selling its NV30 technology. The quantities it is shifting this week, as part of its FX5800 push rather than the FX5800 Ultra include product made by Nvidia itself, and consisting of its reference design.

But the quantities in question aren"t particularly large and are in the hundreds so far, rather than the thousands. Some of the boards are being made by MSI and you can tell these from the red colour of the printed circuit board. The others, made for Nvidia by a third party to exacting designs, have a green PCB.

Many are now waiting for the NV35 to arrive, which is apparently far more stable than the NV30."

News source: The INQ

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