ObjectBar 1.1

Stardock has released ObjectBar 1.1. ObjectBar is a program that can replace or extend the Windows start bar with one that has vastly more features and much more flexible. One could create the Windows XP start bar on Windows ME for instance or create the MacOS Finder right down to stripping the menus out of running apps and putting them in the bar.

Version 1.1 contains a lot of fixes based specifically on Neowin user feedback. The shareware version actually was designed based on feedback by Neowin users in that it now allows UNLIMITED themes to be used in it (1.0 only allowed users to use a few themes). It also fixes a lot of bugs reported in 1.0 and uses a lot less memory and is significantly faster

News source: Objectbar Homepage

Download: ObjectBar 1.1 Shareware

Download: ObjectBar 1.1 Enhanced for registered users

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