OBS Studio 30.2 Beta 1

OBS Studio

OBS Studio is software designed for capturing, compositing, encoding, recording, and streaming video content, efficiently. It is the re-write of the widely used Open Broadcaster Software, to allow even more features and multi-platform support. OBS Studio supports multiple sources, including media files, games, web pages, application windows, webcams, your desktop, microphone and more.

OBS Studio Features:

  • High performance real time video/audio capturing and mixing, with unlimited scenes you can switch between seamlessly via custom transitions.
  • Live streaming to Twitch, YouTube, Periscope, Mixer, GoodGame, DailyMotion, Hitbox, VK and any other RTMP server
  • Filters for video sources such as image masking, color correction, chroma/color keying, and more.
  • x264, H.264 and AAC for your live streams and video recordings
  • Intel Quick Sync Video (QSV) and NVIDIA NVENC support
  • Intuitive audio mixer with per-source filters such as noise gate, noise suppression, and gain. Take full control with VST plugin support.
  • GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming
  • Unlimited number of scenes and sources
  • Number of different and customizable transitions for when you switch between scenes
  • Hotkeys for almost any action such as start or stop your stream or recording, push-to-talk, fast mute of any audio source, show or hide any video source, switch between scenes,and much more
  • Live preview of any changes on your scenes and sources using Studio Mode before pushing them to your stream where your viewers will see those changes
  • DirectShow capture device support (webcams, capture cards, etc)
  • Powerful and easy to use configuration options. Add new Sources, duplicate existing ones, and adjust their properties effortlessly.
  • Streamlined Settings panel for quickly configuring your broadcasts and recordings. Switch between different profiles with ease.
  • Light and dark themes available to fit your environment.
  • …and many other features. For free. At all.

OBS Studio 30.2 new features:

  • Added support for Multitrack Video streaming [palana]
  • On Twitch, this is known as Enhanced Broadcasting. Currently, this requires Windows and an NVIDIA GPU. Support for other platforms and GPU vendors is planned. For more information, see: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/multiple-encodes
  • When this feature is enabled, the following data about your system will be sent to the streaming service when starting a stream:
  • OBS config info (canvas width and height, frame rate, encoder width and height, VOD Audio Track setting, OBS version)
  • CPU info (name, speed, core counts)
  • GPU info (model, memory, driver version, device ID, vendor ID)
  • Memory info (free, total)
  • OS info (name, version, arch, emulation)
  • Windows info (gaming feature status: Game Bar, Game DVR, Game Mode, Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling)
  • Multitrack Video settings (maximum streaming bandwidth, maximum video tracks)
  • Added support for Enhanced RTMP/FLV multi-track audio and video [palana/kc5nra]
  • Replaces the old metadata-based "VOD Track"
  • Added "Hybrid MP4" output format (BETA) [derrod]
  • Combines fault-tolerance of fragmented MP4 with wide compatibility and faster access times of regular MP4. For more information, see: https://obsproject.com/kb/hybrid-mp4
  • Supports inserting chapter markers into the file via a hotkey or API. These markers are supported by most video players and editing software, such as DaVinci Resolve
  • Added Linux support to the native NVENC encoder [derrod]
  • NVENC AV1 is now supported on Linux
  • Added Linux shared texture support to the NVENC encoder [derrod]
  • Added Linux shared texture support to the QuickSync encoder [kkartaltepe]
  • Added Linux shared texture support to the VA-API encoder [nowrep]
  • Added HEVC support to WebRTC output [murillo128]
  • Added Composable Themes system to simplify theme creation, maintenance, and enable future customisation options [derrod/Warchamp7]
  • Themes now consist of a base theme and variants that can be switched between in the new "Appearance" settings tab
  • Old themes will no longer work and will need to be updated to the new system. See the wiki page for details.


  • Various UI and Theme tweaks [Warchamp7]
  • Audio of multiple instances of a source in a scene/group is now deduplicated [derrod]
  • Deduplication is recursive, but does not apply on groups or nested scenes that are currently playing show/hide transitions, this may be fixed in the future
  • Scene Collection specific plugin data is now retained for plugins that are not currently loaded [derrod]
  • Closed-captions are now supported for HEVC and AV1 [jhnbwrs]
  • Qt Fusion style is now always enforced on Linux [tytan652]
  • Combined PipeWire window/display capture into unified "Screen Capture" source to align with other platforms [tytan652]
  • Renamed "Screen Capture (XSHM)" as "Display Capture (XSHM)" for consistency with other capture sources [tytan652]
  • Set default recording format on macOS to fragmented MOV [gxalpha]
  • Improved freetype2 text source performance [kkartaltepe]
  • File open dialogs now start in the directory of the currently selected file, rather than the default [Warchamp7]
  • Moved warnings in advanced output to bottom of settings window for better visibility [GPattenden]
  • Various performance improvements for texture encoding [kkartaltepe]
  • Prioritize NVDEC decoder on NVIDIA systems [moocowsheep]
  • Support NVDEC decoder for encoded DirectShow sources [moocowsheep]
  • Replaced non-texture NVENC FFmpeg fallback with native implementation [derrod]
  • Log now includes all available encoders [Penwy]
  • Reset duration of scene item show/hide transitions when removing the transitions [Warchamp7]
  • Adjusted appearance of volume meters [Warchamp7]
  • Adjusted appearance of multiview borders and labels [Warchamp7]
  • Added support for audio-only and video-only WHIP outputs [tt2468]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed packet priority not being set for some AV1 encoders, resulting in outputs never recovering from dropping frames [derrod]
  • Fixed various issues with audio channel layouts in (remuxed) recordings [pkv/derrod]
  • Fixed various issues with the native FLV muxer [palana]
  • Fixed various issues with the RTMP protocol implementation [palana]
  • Fixed minor errors in HEVC and AVC decoder configuration records [derrod]
  • Fixed change discard confirmation dialog popping up twice when closing source properties [tytan652]
  • Fixed QSV AV1 on multi-GPU systems [thyintel/derrod]
  • Fixed FFmpeg output erroneously checking disk space when not writing to a file [RytoEX]
  • Fixed auto-config wizard not working without a stream key [mar10iana]
  • Fixed text alignment with extents [exeldro]
  • Fixed encoder properties having nested scroll areas in output settings [derrod]
  • Fixed crash if input video resolution changes when using hardware-accelerated decoding [tt2468]
  • Fixed button text being cut off in controls dock [powersagitar]
  • Fixed undo action for filters showing UUID instead of name [derrod]
  • Fixed not all eligible Patreon supporters being shown in the "About" dialogue [Warchamp7]
  • Fixed copy-pasting show/hide transitions not including duration [Warchamp7]
  • Fixed settings dialog being cut off on low-resolution screens [tytan652/Warchamp7/derrod/RytoEX] (yes, this one took four people to figure out)
  • Fixed paused indicator text stacking [Aleksbgbg]
  • Fixed disabled audio sources showing up in advanced audio properties [Penwy]
  • Fixed Grid Mode setting not being persisted when enabled through the View menu [RytoEX]
  • Fixed CoreAudio not handling encoder delay, resulting in audio being 44-48 ms late [derrod]
  • Fixed OBS not handling negative audio timestamps at the start of an output correctly, resulting in Opus and CoreAudio AAC audio being delayed by a few ms [derrod]
  • Fixed VA-API AV1 encoder being unavailable if H.264 is unsupported [kkartaltepe]
  • Fixed WebRTC buffer size being too small for recovery with high-bitrate video [Sean-Der]
  • Fixed renaming multiple scenes when hitting Tab key while renaming [howellrl]

Download 64-bit: OBS Studio 30.2 Beta 1 | Portable | ~100.0 MB (Open Source)
View: OBS Studio Homepage | Other Operating Systems

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