Open-Source Community Eager for Cloudscape Code

Going by early feedback, the open-sourcing of IBM"s Cloudscape Java database is putting the open-source community on cloud nine.

Noel Bergman, chief technology officer at DevTech Inc. and an Apache Software Foundation member who serves as a committer on the James [Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server] Project and as vice president of the Apache Incubator, said developers are eager to use the code.

"We"ve had some people already asking if we can incorporate it into Apache James, as an example" of the excitement around the news, Bergman said in an instant messaging exchange.

Apache James is a 100 percent pure Java SMTP and POP3 mail server and NNTP news server. As such, it illustrates why the open-source community is so glad to get its hands on "Derby," the code name of the Cloudscape copy IBM is granting to the Apache Software Foundation.

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