Open WebOS 1.0 ported to Galaxy Nexus (video)

Today HP announced the release of version 1.0 of Open WebOS, those being the remnants of the once super promising Palm operating system. The team behind the project showcased their achievement by porting the OS to a PC. But the place where people really want to see it running is on a phone, where it was meant to be.

Enter the WebOS Ports team, who have managed to get it running on a Galaxy Nexus. According to them it took about two months of development to get the operating system to run on Samsung hardware, and it can now connect to Wi-fi and do most things a normal phone can. However there"s still work to be done as the phone features, including SMS aren"t ready yet.

The most difficult part is getting complete hardware acceleration for the OS. And as you can see from the video, the phone desperately needs it before it can actually be used by a normal human being. But the project is heading in that direction, their goal being to make the Galaxy Nexus with WebOS a real alternative to whatever else is on the market.

Since the project isn"t complete the WebOS Ports team has yet to to release a full how to guide to get it running on your Nexus device but, when they do, it will most certainly be posted on their Wiki.

Source: WebOS Ports ( Twitter, Youtube) Via: The Verge

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