Opera 10.50 released, worlds fastest browser

Today Opera released Opera 10.50, claiming it to be the worlds fastest browser for Windows computers.  Opera 10.50 includes a new sleek, refined design, including private browsing, so users can surf anonymously.

Opera’s new menu button replaces the traditional way users are used to seeing toolbars, by stacking all the contents in a neat and organized drop down menu.  Aero Glass has been enabled for Windows Vista / 7 users, allowing them to take full advantage of the clean, transparent borders.  Opera even allows users to use the Windows 7 jump list, for quick and easy access to recent pages, Speed Dial, and tasks.

Opera 10.50 also includes old favourites like Opera Turbo, just turn this feature on when your bandwidth is slowing to a crawl, and let Opera’s servers handle the web content.  Opera Unite, a content sharing feature, without the need to upload to social networks.  Last, but not least, Opera Link, a synchronizing feature that allows you to share Speed Dial, notes, search-engine preferences and more features onto any Opera web browser and even Opera Mini.

Opera also includes the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards, allowing web designers to utilize the great new features and design the perfect webpage for visitors.

Opera 10.50 is currently only available for Windows, in 42 different languages.  Opera will be available for Mac and Linux soon.


Download Opera 10.50 for Windows

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