Opera issues security update for Windows and OS X

If you currently use Opera to browse the web, the company recommends that you update your browser with its latest patch.  The newest version, 10.54, patches several vulnerabilities that left users exposed on both the Windows and OS X platform. 

According to dirwell.com, “the fix that has been revealed prevents Opera from being used as a vector for a font issue in the underlying operating system. The bug was said to be on Windows systems and Microsoft issued a patch for it, but for users who haven’t patched the hole yet, Opera has its own fix.”

On the OS X side of things, the update now automatically removes older versions of the platform and fixes other issues such as premature shutdown of the program and the browser stealing window focus.

The update comes at a time when every browser is critically reviewed for vulnerabilities.  With the Internet becoming more engrained into everything we do, it is important to keep all of your software updated to help keep yourself protected online. 

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