Original Fallout free on GOG for 48 hours

GOG.com (Good Old Games) is offering the original Fallout for free over the next two days, in promotion of their revamped website and product lineup. In addition to a slick new layout, GOG is expanding its product line to include newer titles and non-Windows games.

GOG, which is owned by CD Projekt, the Polish studio behind The Witcher series, has focused on selling DRM-free classics up until now, but they"ll be expanding that focus to include newer titles (they"re still adamant about them being DRM-free, though).

So, if you haven"t had a chance to give it a try, head over to GOG right now and check it out. Since it"s optimized for modern systems, you can rediscover an old favorite, and new players will get a chance to check out the series" pre-Bethesda roots. Just don"t go in expecting fancy graphics or a FPS and you"ll do just fine.

Image via Fallout Wiki

Thanks to zman982 for the tip

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