Partition Logic 0.75

Partition Logic

Partition Logic is a free hard disk partitioning and data management tool.  It can create, delete, erase, format, defragment, resize, copy, and move partitions and modify their attributes. It can copy entire hard disks from one to another. It is intended to become a free alternative to such commercial programs as Partition Magic, Drive Image, and Norton Ghost...

Partition Logic is free software, available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. It is based on the Visopsys operating system. It boots from a CD or floppy disk and runs as a standalone system, independent of your regular operating system.

Partition Logic has the following limitations:

  • No hardware support for non-USB SCSI hard disks
  • No support for Sun or BSD disk labels.
  • Cannot format partitions as NTFS or EXT3.
  • Cannot resize FAT or EXT filesystems.
  • No hardware support for serial mice
  • No hardware support for PCMCIA

What"s new in Partition Logic 0.75:

This hardware-focused maintenance release adds USB 3.0 support, improved USB 2.0 and USB hub support, an APIC interrupt controller driver, plus several bug fixes and general quality improvements.

  • Added USB3 (XHCI) support.
  • Greatly improved USB2 (EHCI) and hub support.
  • Added APIC interrupt controller support.
  • Added support for detecting and parsing the Intel multiprocessor table.
  • The USB layer code no longer sets device configurations by default. It is now left up to the individual device drivers, when they determine that a given device is supported. Configuring some unknown, built-in, proprietary devices can cause other devices to stop responding.
  • USB hub removal now triggers a recursive device removal for all downstream things connected via the hub.
  • If a mounted removable disk (such as a USB stick) is removed from the system, a call to kernelFilesystemRemoved() will now act like a forced umount – unbuffering files and removing the filesystem – without attempting further accesses to the physical disk.
  • Updated some definitions and things in the PCI driver.
  • Fixed: In the computer browser, when clicking to mount a CD-ROM for the first time, from a cold boot, the file browser that was launched sometimes wouldn’t start in the CD-ROM’s mount directory.
  • Fixed: In the file browser and the file dialog, the current directory field started off disabled (greyed-out), but changing the directory caused it to be redrawn as enabled (not greyed out). Components weren’t being re-rendered when their setData() functions were called.
  • Fixed: A bug in the USB driver subsystem, in which a device disconnection could cause the USB thread to go into an infinite loop.
  • Fixed: Increased timeout values for SCSI ‘start unit’ commands, to support various USB-attached disks (hard disks and CD/DVD drives that need time to spin up).
  • Fixed: An IDE disk controller driver bug where an unhandled interrupt could result from selecting a nonexistent slave drive on certain controllers.
  • Fixed: Timing issues in the AHCI SATA driver related to CD/DVD drives.

Download Partition Logic 0.75: ISO | USB Image | Floppy Image | ~5.0 MB (Open Source)
View: Partition Logic Website | Discussion Forums

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