I have to be honest, little is known about this beta as there isn"t much information about it on Microsoft to be found. What we do know is that this is an Alpha version of a limited beta test and I thank thunderriver for bringing to Neowin these screenshots.
PC Satisfaction is a set of tools designed to secure and back-up important data on your machine, it includes a firewall (an extension of Windows XP firewall) a backup utility and virus protection alongside the online help & support offered by newsgroups and submission screens. Theres also a safety meter that reminds me of the old concept for PC Health on Neptune/Windows ME, but this one goes further and adds a patch service that automatically updates your system with all the available patches (an extension of Automatic Updates). This tool is also tied into your .NET Passport meaning you have to be registered to use it (also limited) making it impossible for non-beta testers to try out, which could mean it might cost money as a webservice when it releases.