PlayStation 3 sells 5 million consoles in Japan

Sony"s PlayStation 3 went over the 5 million mark as of April 11 having sold 5,001,598 consoles. Final Fantasy XIII holds first place for game sales on the PS3 with 1,883,828 units sold since it"s hugely popular release in December 2009. At a distant second Metal Gear Solid 4 has sold only 706,461 units since mid 2008.

Although a milestone for Sony it has only sold around half as many consoles as its rival the Nintendo Wii with 10,009,738 units sold. Microsoft"s Xbox 360 like its predecessor has had less success in Japan than the PS3 and Wii with 1,235,049 units sold.

The landmark sales for Sony comes on a wave of good news for the PS3 after industry analyst David Mercer argued sales for the console would outsell the Wii by 2013.

The news is good for the console maker however outselling its previous console the PlayStation 2 with 140million units sold worldwide (21million in Japan), still appears far off.

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