PSPad is a programmers editor with support for multiple syntax highlighting profiles. It comes with a HEX editor, CP conversion, text differences, templates, macros, spellcheck option, auto-completion, and Code Explorer. The program is pre-configured for the most popular programming languages (VB, C++, SQL, PHP, ASP, and Python) and you can further customize the syntax settings.

PSPad features:

  • work with projects
  • work with several documents at the same time (MDI)
  • save desktop sessions to later reopen all session files
  • FTP client - edit files directly from the web
  • macro recorder to record, save and load macros
  • search and replace in files
  • text difference with color-coded differences highlighted
  • templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...)
  • installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...
  • syntax highlighting according to file type
  • user-defined highlighters for exotic environments
  • auto correction
  • intelligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla
  • full HEX editor
  • call different external programs for different environments
  • external compiler with output catcher, log window and log parser for an "IDE" effect in every environment
  • color syntax highlight printing and print preview
  • integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML
  • integrated free version of the top CSS editor TopStyle Lite
  • export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format to file or clipboard
  • column block select, bookmarks, line numbers, ...
  • reformat and compress HTML code, tag character case change
  • line sorting with ability to sort on defined columns and drop duplicates
  • ASCII chart with HTML entities
  • Code explorer for Pascal, C/C++, INI, HTML, XML, PHP and more in development
  • spell checker
  • internal web browser with APACHE support
  • matching bracket highlighting
  • ...(many more features, too numerous to list)


  • List of open files is stored when any file is opened/closed not only with PSPad end
  • TextDiff - Both window into one file function marks difference with delimiters between files
  • TextDiff - added functionality to generate difference file from the Right and from the Left
  • HEX editor - all copy are made as string. It allows you paste content as text into editor
  • HEX editor - in hex area you copy as HEX string, in text area you copy as text
  • Program settings / Direct edit - AutodetectBinary has 3 states: 0 off, 1 on, 2 on with confirmation dialog
  • scripting function Sleep() calls ProcessMessages
  • Find/Replace dialog shows counters for characters count before cursor for search and replace field
  • CSS highlighter - added large amount of missing keywords
  • SAS code parser - added macro support
  • Code explorer for XML will expand first 2 levels only automatically. Speed up for big XML files
  • Code explorer for PHP - classes are expanded automatically
  • Code explorer - if left docked, page is automatically activated
  • New Code explorer for KiBasic (ftKiBasic file type for user highlighter)
  • Project tree - nodes indentation
  • Editor window flickering when switching
  • Fixed problem with protocol highlighting (mail, URL, ...) when file with with long lines
  • ESC key closes Code explorer window
  • Import from RTF to HTML (HTML menu)
  • Insert file - fixed problem with BOM included code pages
  • fixed Greek ANSI CP (1253) autodetection
  • PSpad freezes with active Code explorer in some cases
  • Multihighlighter color (start-end of the script)
  • Log lines display problem with active URL highlightter
  • Taskbar program icon will appear on screen where prgoram window is (Jochen Heinelt)
  • Windows Shell script - ^ char breaks meaning of special chars
  • Windows Shell script - cmd as file extension was highlighted as keyword
  • Windows shell script - matching bracket highlight with echo command
  • Cobol highlighter - keywords with underscore
  • PSPad 64 - SpellCheck exceptions
  • HEX editor - problem with replace longer expression with shorter without confimration
  • When project is open, PSpad shows project name on status bar as first
  • Unix Shell script code explorer includes if and for as functions
  • Fullscreen mode (F11)
  • Show PSPad window when with open new file in PSPad after Windows + D (minimize all windows)
  • Switch tab with 2 windows splitted horizontally or vertically destroys splitting
  • Cobol code explorer
  • Command line tool causes freezing when run under MS Dos environment
  • Search in files result - whole path is shown, char & was removed
  • Search and search in files results - after dblclick focus is set to editor window
  • Cobol highlighter - if keyword was part of another word starting with nnnn-
  • Project - default CP wasn"t load, even was stored in project configuration
  • Project - new file wasn"t created with code page set in project
  • Project - after loading project statusbar information wasn"t updated

Download: PSPad | 6.6 MB (Freeware)
Download: PSPad Portable | 7.9 MB
Links: PSPad Homepage | PSPad Extensions

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