Registerfly faces losing ICANN accreditation

Thanks Tantawi for this submission in the Back Page News section of our message boards.

Domain registrar and SSL certificate issuer Registerfly has been given notice by ICANN for violation of numerous policies and must remedy the situation by March 13 or lose ICANN accreditation. The issue is focused on Registerfly"s failure to unlock tens of thousands of domain names despite repeated requests by customers and ICANN itself, a violation of ICANN"s Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy, as well as repeated failure to pay ICANN"s accreditation fees.

The company"s troubles have been snowballing for a while now, and came to a head with Registerfly"s financial problems that caused the company to allow 75,000 domain names to expire despite repeated user requests to renew and/or transfer them. Registerfly blamed the financial crisis on parent company Unified Names" CEO Kevin Medina"s misue of company funds. Medina was terminated from the company on February 12 and Unified Names sued him that same day, accusing him of misusing the funds on liposuction and escorts. Registerfly claims that upon Medina"s termination, he deleted quite a bit of company information, including passwords and access to the billing department in order to issue refunds.

View: Full Story @ Ars.Technica

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