Report: Apple's next-gen iPads to sport multiple cameras, with triple-camera for Pro model

Recent leaks have suggested that Apple will be following in the footsteps of the smartphone industry at large and upping the number of cameras on its flagship smartphones to three. Now, a report from the Apple-focused Japanese blog Macotakara suggests the same may be true of the next-gen iPads.

The report suggests the next model of the iPad Pro has "a possibility to be released with a triple lens", based on rumours Macatokara has heard from suppliers in China. The site does have a solid track record with past Apple-focused leaks, but given the cautionary tone of the report, it would be wise to not take it as gospel truth.

The report also purports that the next iteration of the regular iPad - which could up its screen size from 9.7 inches to 10.2 inches - will be receiving a dual-camera setup, similar to the dual-camera setup that rumours suggest is planned for the iPhone 11R.

All current iPad models only feature a single camera and photography with tablets, in general, is not particularly popular. Thus, a jump from a single camera to a triple-lens setup would definitely be quite the shakeup for the iPad Pro. However, the depth information provided by multiple cameras could be useful for enabling features like Portrait Mode and also augmented reality applications on the iPad. Since Apple has made AR a bigger focus in recent years, it"s not entirely uncharacteristic for Apple to want to upgrade the iPad"s hardware to enable those experiences for its tablet lineup as well.

Source and image: Macotakara via 9to5Mac

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