RIAA has reached an agreement to stop suing individuals who continue to share music illegally, but will cut your internet connection off instead.
The decision was reached with ISP"s to send a warning letter to individuals who have been suspected or caught by the RIAA, who will set up P2P listening posts to catch individuals and submit their information to their ISP. After 2 or 3 warnings, your ISP will slow your internet connection, and if a user continues to share music illegally, they will be shut off for good.
RIAA has sued more than 35,000 people since they began operations in 2003, which was very costly to the music industry and time consuming. Only a handful of ISP"s have signed deals with the RIAA to help fight piracy, while others remain undecided or not interested.
This change to the RIAA, from the regular subpoena, settle or sue process, will make finding users through their IP address much easier and can bring more users down who continue to illegally download.