RSSOwl v1.1.1

RSSOwl is a free RSS and RDF newsreader written in Java using SWT as graphic library. A lot of websites use RSS & RDF as XML-formats to publish their news for free. There is also a huge number of free accessable weblogs (so called blogs), which use this format too. With RSSOwl it is possible to read all RSS versions (includes RDF). For best performance, SWT is used as graphic library. SWT makes it possible to have a operating-system-dependant, native Look & Feel of the application. RSSOwl runs on Windows (98/ME/2000/XP), Linux (GTK2) and Mac OS X. For an easy execution of the application, the windows version comes with a batch-file, the Linux version with a Shell-Script and for Mac, an Application Bundle is used. You only need the Java VM (Virtual Machine) installed.


  • Display any number of news in comfortable tab-folder

  • Use internal browser to display the news

  • Set any installed browser for an external view

  • Fulltext-search with syntaxhighlighting

  • Export news to PDF & HTML

  • Save news to read them offline

  • Connection through a proxy-server supported

  • Deactivate use of proxy for certain favorits

  • Import / Export RSS-Channels using OPML format

  • Save favorits in categorys (unlimited nesting)

  • Search / open a category with all favorits

  • Print news

  • Auto-Update news in certain intervalls

  • Import / Export application-settings

  • Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Galician, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Greek, Russian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Japanese, Chinese

    Download: RSSOwl v1.1.1 4.8MB (Freeware)

    View: Changelog

    Screenshot: >> Click here

    News source: RSSOwl Homepage

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