Like everything in else in the world, the latest RtCW game due to be released as a public beta soon and to be released as a seperate game to RtCW for FREE has leaked onto the Internet ahead of its release. We got hold of it over the weekend and I have been having fun playing with it. It"s a little buggy at the moment and doesn"t like executing seperate scripts that you may use for RtCW itself. However, the game itself has changed a lot from RtCW. The way weapons shoot and recoil now has changed and the general look and feel of Enemy Territory is that of BF1942. That aside the game is great and there are lots of elements of fun that the producers have added in. Also, it seems the producers have picked up on some of the mods and add-ons for RtCW and have included them in ET, more specifically, OSP like scores at the end of rounds show players accuracy and kill/death ratio. We thought we would give you a little taster and have put up some screenshots of some of the new features and the general look of Enemy Territory - enjoy.
Update: The official test release has now been released, see below for a download link.