Leaked Windows 8 RC screenshots show flatter UI

We have seen our share of leaked Windows 8 screenshots that allegedly come from newer builds of Microsoft"s next operating system. This week, some of those shots have appeared yet again from the reliable Win8China.com site. The changes in these shots are small but still notable.

In the screenshot above you can see the Explorer Bar in the current Consumer Preview version of Windows 8. As you can see there"s a slight rise in the UI to give the tabs some dimension.

In the next screenshot, allegedly from the leaked release candidate version of Windows 8, you can see that the tab UI in the Explorer Bar is flatter and similar to the one Microsoft uses for its Windows 8 Metro interface.

While the change is extremely subtle, it may just be a precursor of other alterations to come in upcoming builds of Windows 8. Paul Thurrott"s Supersite for Windows reports via unnamed sources that " ... other UI changes are coming to the RC build, including new icons, new cursors, new controls, and more."

Naturally, Microsoft has yet to comment about what it plans to add for the Release Candidate build of Windows 8. It is expected to be released to the public sometime this summer, perhaps as early as the end of May.

Images via Win8China.com

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