Russian Lumia 800 videos show birds, girls and singing cops

Nokia may have launched the Lumia 900 here in North America this week but the company is still promoting the older Lumia 800 in other parts of the world. This week, Nokia"s Russian division posted up three YouTube videos that show that the company has some unusual ways to promote the Lumia 800.

As spotted by, all three videos show people who happen to step inside a local mall elevator. The first video shows that some people got attacked by "angry" birds, or rather people dressed up to look like the characters in Rovio"s Angry Birds game.

The second video shows the same elevator, except that the people who step inside are then surrounded by a number of young ladies who then proceed to take off their jackets to expose their clubbing outfits. The ladies begin dancing and some even strip down to their underwear before they finish so please keep that in mind before viewing the video at work.

Finally, the last video shows people in the same elevator surrounded by what appears at first to be a masked police team. A few seconds later, the "cops" take off their ski masks and begin singing "I Will Survive."

We are not really sure how almost assaulting people in an elevator in Russia helps to sell a smartphone, but the videos are pretty funny in any language.

Thanks to FoxieFoxie for the tip

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