Samsung amends Apple patent lawsuit to include iPhone 5

Samsung has been slamming Apple"s newly launched iPhone 5 with its own Galaxy S III campaigns, both in print and on TV. Today, things got more serious as Samsung is now including the iPhone 5 as part of a previous patent lawsuit against Apple. reports that in Samsung"s lawsuit amendment, it claims that the iPhone 5 violates eight of the company"s patents. In a statement, Samsung said:

Because the iPhone 5 has the same accused functionality as the previously accused versions of the iPhone, Samsung seeks, with its proposed amendment, to add the iPhone 5 as an accused device that infringes Samsung’s two UMTS standards patents and six feature patents at issue. The iPhone 5 has the same accused functionality as the previously accused versions of the iPhone, so the proof of infringement of the patents-in-suit by the iPhone 5 is the same as for other Apple devices already accused of infringement in this litigation.

Apple did not comment today on Samsung"s amendment. The trial concerning this particular case is not scheduled to go to court until March 2014.

Samsung is still stinging from losing a court battle in the US against Apple in August, with a jury ruling that some of Samsung"s designs for its smartphones and tablets violated Apple"s design patents for its iOS products.

Lawsuit image via Shutterstock

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