Samsung and LG temporarily shut down factories in India due to COVID-19 outbreak

Samsung and LG have temporarily suspended their factories in India following requests from the Indian government in a bid to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. The Indian government has ordered all non-essential factories and warehouses across major districts in India to shut down for a few days as the country tries to prevent the spread of the virus.

A Samsung spokesperson confirmed that the company will be shutting its largest smartphone factory in Noida from March 23 to 25, though this date can be pushed back further. The factory produces around 120 million smartphones every year.

"Following the Indian government"s policy, we will temporarily halt operations of our Noida factory until the 25th. We will work hard to make sure there is no setback in supplying our products."

Samsung has had to previously temporarily shut down one of its smartphone factories in South Korea due to the COVID-19 outbreak there.

LG has also confirmed that it will be temporarily shutting down its home appliance factory in Noida and Pune until at least the end of the month. The company has already shut down one of its research centres and had to suspend production at one of its other factories after one of the employee working there was tested positive with COVID-19.

All other smartphone companies in India are also expected to temporarily shut down their factories until at least the end of the month following orders from the Indian government due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Source: ZDNet

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