Samsung: Steve Jobs' death is 'our best opportunity to attack iPhone'

No matter your feelings on Apple, most can agree that Steve Jobs had a massive influence on the market and helped to define a modern smartphone with the iPhone.  At that time, and still today, Samsung is Apple’s largest competitor and new documents that have surfaced show that Samsung hoped to exploit Jobs’ death to market their devices.

In court documents obtained by Apple Insider, they have found an internal email conversation talking about the passing of Jobs and how it is resulting in a massive PR push for Apple as nearly every media outlet is covering Jobs and Apple products.

You can read the conversation here but the key line is where Pennington writes:

Sorry to continue to push this issue, but I have seen this far too long and I know this is our best opportunity to attack iPhone.

It’s quite clear what Samsung wants to do here: Knowing that Jobs will soon be out of the picture, Samsung needs to start pushing its devices to combat Apple.

Yes, this does appear to be a cheap shot as discussing how to combat Apple after their former CEO passed away does leave a bit of a sour taste in our mouths, but we would bet that Samsung is not the only company who saw his passing as an opportunity.

Still, it was Jobs’ death that kicked off Samsung’s anti-Apple marketing which paints the company as one that puts profit over compassion, which is a bit ironic as Apple is considered to be highly passionate about their products which is why they generally sell so well.

Source: Apple Insider | Image Credit: Samsung

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