San Francisco police launch probe into iPhone case

Last week the Internet was all abuzz about reports that an Apple employee lost a prototype back in July for its still unannounced iPhone 5 smartphone in a San Francisco bar. Now is reporting that the San Francisco Police Department is looking into how some of its officers assisted Apple with the search for the iPhone 5 prototype. The probe comes after questions were raised about the SFPD"s involvement due to a search of a city resident"s home by Apple employees.

Originally the SFPD denied that it had received any reports of a missing iPhone. It also said it had no knowledge of police officers helping Apple search for the phone in a residence located in the city"s Bernal Heights area. Later in the week, the SFPD admitted that "three or four" officers, along with two Apple security representatives, were indeed involved in the search of a home. The SFPD said the officers actually stayed outside the home while the two Apple security personnel searched the residence.

Sergio Calderón, the now identified owner of the searched home, said last week six people showed up at his door a few weeks ago claiming to be police officers. While only two of them actually searched his home, Calderón said neither of the two men who came inside his home gave any indication that they were Apple representatives and not police officers. reports today that Calderón is now "talking to attorneys" but would not comment further. Apple itself has not issued a comment about this case.

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