Sasser suspect arrested in Germany

An 18-year-old high school student has been arrested in Germany on suspicion of creating the Sasser internet worm, police say. The worm spread through an estimated 18 million computers across the world last week, continually shutting down and rebooting them.

Police say the man was arrested in the northern German town of Rotenburg. Investigators were searching his parents" home, according to the German newspaper Bild. No further details have been given about the suspect, who was arrested on Friday.

The Sasser worm quickly spread worldwide after its first appearance on 1 May. Some businesses were forced to shut temporarily so they could clear their systems and update anti-virus protection. Hospitals, banks, airlines, government agencies and many home users were affected. The worm attacks recent versions of Microsoft"s Windows operating systems - Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

Experts say it apparently does no lasting harm. But although the worst of the outbreak is over, it is thought the worm will never entirely disappear, and that future versions may be far more damaging.

View: Article @ BBC

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