Save 42% on a one-time lifetime license to MonsterWriter

Today"s highlighted deal comes via our Apps + Software section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save 42% on a one-time lifetime license to MonsterWriter. Write, edit & publish! MonsterWriter is the most enjoyable desktop app for writing a thesis or paper.

MonsterWriter makes the process of writing and editing a thesis or paper easy and enjoyable. Just focus on the content and structure of your document, MonsterWriter takes care of the final appearance for you. With MonsterWriter you can write large documents quickly. Even when you write large documents, it is super fast.

In contrast to other solutions and markdown editors, MonsterWriter provides features for complex content. (Inline-) equations, footnotes, bibliography, table of contents, captions, and more. You can also export it as PDF, LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, or any other format you want. No reformatting required! No need to learn complex apps... Its focus is to be very intuitive to use for articles and scholar text.

With MonsterWriter you can use:

  • Citations with or without Zotero integration
  • Cross-References to sections, tables, figures, diagrams, code blocks, equations
  • Footnotes
  • Always up-to-date table of contents
  • Always up-to-date bibliography
  • Inline LaTeX equations
  • LaTeX equation blocks with an optional caption
  • Images with an optional caption
  • Tables with an optional caption
  • Code blocks with an optional caption
  • Diagrams with an optional caption (Mermaid Based)
  • Ordered/unordered lists
  • Bold, italic, underlined & hyperlinked text
  • Export as LaTeX file & for random customization

Here"s the deal:

A lifetime license to MonsterWriter normally costs $34.99, but this deal can be yours for just $19.99, that"s a saving of $14. For full terms, specifications, and license info please click the link below.

One-time lifetime license to MonsterWriter just $19.99

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