Save 93% off on Complete Google Go Programming Language for Beginners Course

Today"s highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save 93% off on Complete Google Go Programming Language for Beginners Course. Improve yourself as a business professional with eight courses on communication, time management and more!

There are an endless number of programming languages out there, and new ones are added on an almost daily basis. To keep on top of the game and broaden your skill set, picking up a few of these new languages never hurts. Google Go (golang) is the programming language created by one of the largest technology names in the world – Google – so having Go in your arsenal is a surefire way to add to your coding credentials. This course will teach you everything you need to know about Go.

This course has been designed for those who are familiar with coding and programming languages but have not yet turned their hand to Google Go. It"s also perfect for beginner programmers who want to diversify their skills by learning a new language. It"s not intended for complete beginners learning their first language, although it does make an excellent follow-up course.

  • Access 45 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Go fundamentals and apply them in real-world scenarios
  • Get to grip with advanced features like Go Language & Concurrency
  • Understand & develop your knowledge of programming fundamentals
  • Build up a knowledge foundation for more advanced programming languages

Tools Used

  • LiteIDE: Lite IDE is the open source integrated development environment used in conjunction with Go to write code. If you are unable to use LiteIDE for this course, golang is a useful alternative.
  • Google Go: Go is an open-source programming language developed by Google and used in many of their systems (as well as in other applications not associated with Google). It is compiled in the tradition of C and C++ and is relatively simple to pick up for those with programming experience.

Here"s the deal

This Complete Google Go Programming Language for Beginners Course normally costs $200 but it can be yours for just $13.99 for a limited time, that"s a saving of $186.01 (93%) off! For full descriptions, terms, and instructor info please click the link below.

Google Go Programming for Beginners Course for $13.99

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