Save 94% off a lifetime subscription to FlashBooks non-fiction Summaries

Today"s highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save 94% off FlashBooks non-fiction Summaries: Lifetime Subscription. Get more knowledge in less time with lifetime access to self-help and business book summaries.

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FlashBooks publishes top self-help and business book summaries you can read or listen to in about 20 minutes or less. Formatted for every device: Kindle, iPhone, Android, iPad, iPods, PDFs, and more. The audiobooks are formatted as downloadable MP3 files so that you can listen to them" on the go via your favorite mobile device. Get more knowledge on the go, in less time!

Here"s what you"ll get when you signup for your lifetime subscription:

  • Lifetime unlimited access to the entire FlashBooks library. With hundreds of non-fiction book summaries & new titles added to the library each month, you"ll always have something new to sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge
  • Get a book"s big ideas in under 20 minutes. Reading a 300-page book can take weeks. Get your knowledge fix as close to now as possible. In about 20 minutes, you can digest the core concepts of the books you don"t have time to read
  • Audiobook summaries. Summaries are available to members as downloadable audiobooks—each of which is engaging and actionable. Members are always telling us about how they listen to our audiobook summaries over and over again as refreshers or whenever they need a spark of motivation
  • Formatted for every device. Book summaries are formatted for every device. Mac. PC. iPhone. Android. Everything. Simply select and download any summary to your device of choice and you"re good to go

Please note: Only available to new users

Here"s the deal:

A lifetime subscription to FlashBooks non-fiction Summaries normally costs $1,740 but it can be yours for just $99.99 for a limited time, that"s a saving of $1640.01 (94%) off! For full description, terms, and license info please click the link below.

Lifetime Subscription to FlashBooks now just $99.99

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