Second Anthrax Test Negative on Letter

Cheers E.Lo for this one, A second, more sensitive test on a letter sent from Malaysia to a Microsoft office has come back negative for anthrax, state officials said Friday. A third test was planned for Saturday.

No one has tested positive for the disease or become ill, officials said.

State and county health officials interpreted the results differently.

``With our latest test results, it is probably not anthrax,"" said Barbara Hunt, Washoe County district health officer. ``The risk appears to be very low.""

Dr. Randy Todd, state epidemiologist, said he was encouraged by the second test, but said he was not backing off from his original statement Friday that it was a ``presumptive anthrax"" case.

He said he would need to see the results of a third test before drawing a conclusion

``We can"t rule it out until we have the third test,"" Todd said. ``It"s still presumptive anthrax.""

News source: Yahoo News

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