As most will have seen by now, we have upgraded Neowin to the new design called Shift. It is an effort by many people spanning almost a year of coding on our beta site. We addressed most if not all the requests made by members over the past 4 years. There is still work to do and we are looking into increasing the recent forum posts view to 10 but it requires a change in the design of the top area which, at the moment is under consideration.
Since the update we have made some improvements to the code by decreasing the header size. We removed defunkt meta tags and consolidated 6 javascripts into one file, that cuts the requests to our web server significantly.
We are aware of a problem with Internet Explorer displaying an "Operation aborted" message when the main site loads. We think this has to do with an apache update that needs looking at because the message does not appear on the beta server, which is exactly the same code as here.
I am currently in Seattle for the WinHEC conference, Tom Warren is here with me which is a stroke of good luck because the update and a trip to Virginia Mason Hospital ER has cast a shadow on my visit due to illness, of which I am now on track for recovery thanks to the great help and advice of the medical staff at the hospital.
I should be fully recovered by the time I get to the next event in Amsterdam, which we"ll be covering too as far as the NDA allows us.
For now i hope you enjoy the update to the site and the coverage we have done on WinHEC in our Events Blog. Thanks for all your support.