SkyDrive Gets New Logo and Window

The recent automatic update to SkyDrive for Windows (Version 16.4.6003.0710), released yesterday, offers a new status window that tells the user how SkyDrive is behaving. Many people asked for a simple way to check this. Now, after updating, when you click SkyDrive in the system tray, a small status window appears. It lets you know if SkyDrive is up to date, and gives you the time at which SkyDrive was last updated in addition to information on megabytes and files being transferred.

The new window also has new options in the context menu - "View sync problems" and "Report a problem" - that will make it easier to solve problems in the system. These are welcome features for SkyDrive power users. Most of the changes in this update are not visible to users, though, states Mike Torres, from Microsoft. The Windows Blog reports Mike Torres saying that, as with most updates, "this one improves performance, reliability, and compatibility of SkyDrive," so people depending on the service  can rely on the system to automatically sync files.

Along with the update, Microsoft introduced a redesigned logo. Mike Torres says that, "With the upcoming release of Windows 8, the time was right to redesign the SkyDrive logo. The refreshed logo is a natural evolution of the work we’re doing across Microsoft to deliver a more consistent experience across all of our products."

If you do not have Skydrive, you can download the new app from the SkyDrive website.

Source: The Windows Blog

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