Smart CD Catalog Professional 2.00

Still having troubles organizing your disks?
Smart CD Catalog will help you put them in order!

You probably have many CDs and DVDs, document libraries, MP3 music files, photo and video collections, software distribution packages, data backups and other disks?

  • What if you need one of your disks, but you cannot remember where it is?
  • What if you need an important file on a disk but you cannot remember on which disk it is stored?
  • What if you just want to know what files are on your disks?
You might have to check all your disks, insert them into the drive one after another, waste a huge amount of time and wear yourself out and your computer too.

But not if you use Smart CD Catalog - convenient and easy-to-use CD/DVD cataloger. With Smart CD Catalog, you can quickly and easily find the necessary disk or file and view the contents of your disks without inserting them into the drive!
The program will be also useful for those people who have a lot of friends. You no longer have to remember who you have lent a movie or a music collection to.
Smart CD Catalog will help you organize your personal database with all your disks, saving time and effort and solving the problem of organizing your disks.

Download: Smart CD Catalog Professional 2.00 | 6.57 MB (Shareware, $34.95 for Personal License)
Screenshot: Main window
Screenshot: Search window
View: Smart CD Catalog Website

Main features:

  • Easy to use
  • Comfortable, pleasant and intuitive graphical user interface
  • Creating disk categories
  • Maintaining the list of borrowers
  • Storing the history of loans
  • Viewing the list of disks separately for each type or all types together
  • Adding not only CDs and DVDs to your catalog, but also disks of any other type supported by your computer (floppy disks, hard disks, etc.)
  • Adding folders to the catalog
  • Adding a comment for any disk, folder or file
  • Viewing detailed information about each disk, folder or file
  • Displaying the size of any folder
  • Sorting files, folders and disks by any parameter, such as name, size, date, type and many others
  • Detailed statistics for disks, folders and files
  • Flexible reports (HTML, CSV)
Smart CD Catalog also offers powerful search features:
  • Searching for disks by name, type, total data size and comment
  • Searching for files and folders by name, date, size, attributes and comment
  • Searching for files and folders on all disks at once
  • Searching for files and folders on selected types of disks only
  • Searching for files and folders on any particular disk
  • Searching for files and folders in any separate folder on any disk
  • Searching for disks, folders or files separately or together
  • Automatically saving search phrases and search paths
  • Using wildcard characters
And, to do all this, you don"t even need to insert your CDs or DVDs into your CD drive!
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