Sonique2 Build 14.05.02

Thanks byte for this. Sonique 2 is a Media Player application that is currently in production by Team Sonique. Sonique 2 expands on many design ideas from Sonique 1.x but is built on entirely new technology. Sonique 2 has now been in various states of production for over 2 years.

The user interface is based around "Mantis," which provides a complete environment for creating any sort of UI imaginable. Mantis has nothing whatever to do with Media players per se, it could be used to create a swooby interface for any sort of application.

NOTE: This release is intended as sort of a preview of coming attractions - a teaser of sorts. It is also a way to kick off the availability of updated builds as we will be making available to the public periodic builds of Sonique2. Alpha builds are buggy, unsupported and unfinished. Install them at your own risk.


  • ogg vorbis code update (rc3 support!)
Known Issues:
  • no CD Audio yet.
  • Changing skins and languages on win9x systems is sketchy business, and will probably crash sonique2.
  • Your sonique settings file is deleted when you re-install. So back this up if you have a lot of settings you don"t want to lose (sonique.settings is the name of the file).
  • If remotes are defined via macro includes, they will show up in the remotes menu more than once. But, only one of the entries will actually work. Happy hunting!
  • The skin shipped with this alpha will not be the skin shipped with the final release. It is a development skin.
View: Sonique 2 Homepage

Download: Sonique 2 ALPHA (Build: 14.05.02)

This is BETA software! Please use caution when installing it on your system.

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