Sony has denied claims that it was preventing the porn industry from using the Blu-ray high-definition format. Sony has said it has no control over the licensing of Blu-ray, and has no problem with the adult industry using the format. Sony"s company-specific policy seems to have been taken as the general rule, "Sony disc manufacturing will not manufacture adult titles. We have never done it, and we have no plans to," said Lisa Gephardt, a spokeswoman for Sony Corp. of America. The policy has, however, no impact on any other company.
"There"s no prohibition against adult content. We don"t tell people how they can use the licenses they get from the Blu-ray Disc Association," said Gephardt. The BDA handles all licensing for Blu-ray technology and has stated that it is "an open organization that welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, including those that represent the full spectrum of genres in the content industry."
As argued before, the adult industry is said to be a major factor in the HD war, if we are to assume it will have the same effects that it had on the VHS vs. Betamax war. Others analysts argue that it price was the deciding factor in the format war. Many representatives in the porn industry have already stated they choose HD DVD, because it is cheaper to produce content for. Certain producers believe that HD, in general, will not take off very quickly because it is overall more expensive than DVD, and sometimes, the viewers may not be too excited to see all the details.