Source 2 engine in development

An investigator known as Barnz, over at has been rooting through the Source Filmmaker script files and has uncovered more than 60 references to the next generation engine that Valve is developing. Line 1387 of file is the most noteworthy.

"""Return an str with the current engine version. If key doesn"t doesn"t exist, assume "Source", otherwise invalid -- assume next-gen "Source 2"."""

There are references to Source, Hybrid and Source 2 scattered throughout the same file, with Hybrid being the base that Source 2 sits on. Barnz alse stated that Source 2 uses the same pipeline as Source, so the BSP file format for levels will more than likely remain. As of yet, there are no references to DirectX or OpenGL, but the investigation is still ongoing.

Initially designed to power first-person shooters, Source has been used to create RPGs, side-scrolling platformers, puzzle games, MMOPRGs and RTS games. And as it was designed to be constantly updated, it remains in development to this day.

Valve has stated that the Source engine is “about to get even better.”

Read our report on the availability of Source Filmmaker as a free beta here.


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