Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop arrives for Windows Phone: Free for a limited time

Microsoft, Nokia and Splashtop have gotten together to bring the Splashtop 2 remote desktop app to Windows Phone. Despite Windows Phone being in the market for a few years Microsoft never saw fit to include a way to remote control a PC. With the release of Splashtop, Windows Phone users can now enjoy the convenience of connecting to their PC’s with no fuss at all. Best of all is that until August the app will be free to all Windows Phone 8 users.

The advantages of being able to access your PC remotely are numerous, want to set something off on your home PC, grab a file or even watch a movie? All that’s now possible and frankly it’s about time. The app itself is a doddle to setup, just download the app to your phone and install the streaming application on your PC. Once you have those two in place just fire up the app and you’ll see what PC’s are available to connect with.

Here’s what Todd Brix had to say about the arrival of the app:

Windows Phone is designed for productivity right out of the box, delivering captivating apps for mobile workers and IT professionals alike, Splashtop 2 is a great example of the kind of high performance applications that people will find on the Windows Phone Store to get the most out of their phone.

The app has good audio and visual abilities so it’s actually possible to stream content from your PC to your device without too much trouble. From our own testing for the past few days, it does a good job for the most part. It does take a little getting used to and we actually found Windows 8 easy to control due to those big live tiles and charms. One thing it doesn"t seem to allow which would be very useful, would be the ability to grab a file directly through a picker. Perhaps that will come later?

The free offer is only open until 31st August so we’d recommend grabbing it now, you never know when you might need this handy little tool. You can download it by following the link here or scan the QR code below.

Source: Windows Phone Blog

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